Box Relatives

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New ranked Wikipedia pages are live


The new ranked Wikipedia pages (along with the updated Wikipedia regex search) are live on the site. Besides having more recent titles than the previous version, there are two other main differences:

  1. Pages with parentheses are now properly scored. Previously, an entry like Foxy Brown would have a low score because the Foxy Brown page is just a disambiguation page. But now, the score for Foxy Brown refers to the Foxy Brown (rapper) page and so she gets a score of 99.
  2. The scores are now distributed so as to have more granularity at the top end of the list and less at the bottom end. This means that it is now harder to get a score of 100 than before, a score of 80 isn’t nearly as good as it used to be, and there are fewer entries overall with scores of 90+. Hopefully the algorithm separates the wheat from the chaff well enough to merit this change.

Enjoy! If you do anything cool with this data, I’d love to hear about it.

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