Box Relatives

Thoughts about puzzles, math, coding, and miscellaneous

July 9, 2013
by Alex

Pangram Names

So I released my list of famous names the other day, and as promised the first thing I did was to try to beat 35 in the Gaffney-Gordon pangram challenge. If you’re not familiar with that challenge, here’s a little … Continue reading


April 10, 2013 by Alex | 2 Comments

Here we are trying something new.

Every week for a few weeks I’ll be participating in a crossword race against one of the greatest crossword solvers of all time. But since I’d never have a chance in a fair fight, he’s going to get an increasingly ludicrous handicap each time out. In this first episode, he has to enter all the entries in the grid backward. Will that be enough for me to win? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME.

Huge thanks to Brendan Emmett Quigley for allowing us to use his puzzles and to Mike Richards for allowing us to use the awesome XWord software for these videos.

Once I get a blog up on Crossword Nexus you will be able to find these videos there. Enjoy!

November 17, 2012
by Alex

Crossword Butler

So the Crossword Butler domain expires in a month, and I’m not sure if I should re-up. It hasn’t really been used the way I thought it might. The idea was that puzzlemakers would just make the puzzles and I … Continue reading

November 5, 2012
by Alex

Joon’s puzzler

Joon recently posted the following on Twitter: wordplay #puzzler: think of two unrelated phrases, both with enumeration 3, 4. the 3-letter words are synonyms; so are the 4-letter words. Well, I had just recently downloaded the unbelievably awesome natural language … Continue reading