Box Relatives

Thoughts about puzzles, math, coding, and miscellaneous

Making JPZ puzzles


So a while back I made a crossword for Brendan Quigley’s site. You can check it out here. If you haven’t done it, go ahead. I’ll wait. Listen to some defective turrets while you solve.

Okay, now you might have solved on paper, but you probably shouldn’t have. Ooh, should have warned you about that ahead of time. Um, the point is: how did I make the .jpz file? If I had Crossword Compiler, it probably would have been easy, but I don’t. So if you’re interested in how to make these things, come along!

Step 1: Make a .puz file of your crossword. Most everyone can do this, so I won’t say much here. If your puzzle is like mine, it won’t work as a .puz file, but at least you can get the letters and black squares in the right places.

Step 2: Open your .puz file in Crossword Solver and then go to File -> Save As -> *.xml puzzle files. This will create a .jpz for you. So you’re done, right? Um, no.

Step 3: Open the resulting .jpz file in a text editor. I like Notepad++ for Windows or TextWrangler for Mac.

Step 4: Okay, let’s change the numbering scheme first. That’s probably the easiest thing to do. Look for a line in your file that looks something like

<cell solution="R" x="4" number="4" y="1">

This says that the fourth (x=4) square in the first row (y=1) has the number 4. If you want to change it, just change that number to whatever you want. You’ll then need to change the number of the corresponding clue(s), which appear in the file as follows:

<clue number="4" word="52">

Step 5: All right, after changing all of those, you’ve got a new numbering scheme. But my .jpz file had a few extra bits as well. First, you’ll notice that some of the entries in the grid go through walls. You can make words go however you want by changing the part that looks like this:

<word id="7">
  <cells x="10" y="2"></cells>
  <cells x="11" y="2"></cells>
  <cells x="12" y="2"></cells>
  <cells x="13" y="2"></cells>
  <cells x="14" y="2"></cells>
  <cells x="15" y="2"></cells>

This is pretty self-explanatory, right? This defines the word with the given ID. Tell it what cells you want it to comprise and you’re set.

Step 6: Oh, wait, there’s more! What if you want a letter (or number) in the upper right corner of a cell? That’s easy. Just change a cell description to

<cell solution="E" x="1" top-right-number="B" y="13">

Step 7: What, there’s more? Yes! Notice that my .jpz has background images! How the heck do you make those? Why, MS Paint, of course! Although you can use something more sophisticated if you want. Make some sort of square image (I think mine were 100×100). Then – convert them into Base64 format (what?). A simple web search led me to this page which allows you to upload a file and gives you an intimidating-looking string in return. Then just take that string and shove it into a cell like so:

<cell solution="E" x="1" top-right-number="B" y="13">
  <background-picture format="PNG" rebus="false">

Okay, these are a few tips and tricks you can use to make crazy, customized .jpz files. Is it easy? No. But I think the end result can be worth it if you have some sort of insane puzzle you want to share with the world. Happy puzzling!

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